We all have responsibility in making sure liquid waste is disposed of safely
and correctly. HSE guidelines state that “There should be clear
procedures for the collection, transport, segregation and disposal of
offensive/hygiene wastes.”
Here's a few pointers on how to dispose waste responsibly.
1. Companies dealing with waste
disposal should adhere to environment
policies to ensure minimal pollution and environmental impact. The different
types of pollution that could be caused through poorly disposed sewage are:
- Water pollution ie. Contamination due to flooding
- Odour pollution
- Unwanted pests
2. It is good practice to make sure your waste is being transported to an authorized site. Most importantly, ensure the servicers you use hold a waste
carriers licence issued by The Environment Agency.
3. A detailed record should be kept to document all waste transfers, including
a description, details of the disposers and time/date of transfer.
Site Equip are committed to providing
an excellent disposal service that meets the necessary guidelines to prevent
waste from being handled incorrectly or illegally. Site Equip has a fleet of tankers
capable of holding from up to 2000 gallons of waste.
Do you have toilets
that need emptying? For more information or to get a quote, call 01256 384134.