Sunday 20 March 2011

Toilet, Loo, Bog, John, Tardis, Crapper ? So whats it to be.......................

Well then we all have to go but what do we call the unmentionable? According to Claudia Winkleman the Film 2011 presenter she would never use the word "toilet" and prefers the word "loo" or "bathroom". Which led to some discussion here in the bog underworld what do we call it?
We came up with the usual, Toilet, Loo, Bog, John, Tardis, Crapper then we thought where do these names originate from?
Crapper was easy after Mr Thomas Crapper himself who people think invented the toilet but didnt.
In fact that was our mate Harrington as in John who invented the flushing toilet in 1596.
Bog well have you seen some bogs there is some resemblance there and the smell could help.
Tardis a small confined space yes well in most cases it is.
Loo well we had to put our thinking caps on for this one and do some research. Seems in the olden days the French would empty their chamber pots out of the window and shout "guardez l'eau" as a warning. It translates as beware of the water but politely means beware of last nights curry!

So back to Claudia using "loo" or "bathroom" we want to know whats your prefered description?